Have you seen our deadly social media campaign that we developed to” spread the word” through a strengths-based lens and start a smoke-free Sistahood. We are currently gathering data to evaluate the campaign and would love for you to provide feedback on this through our survey so we can continue to improve our messages.
There is a survey for community women: Survey for Women | iSISTAQUIT as well as one for health professionals: Survey for Health Professionals | iSISTAQUIT You could win an iPad for completing the survey! Please include a link to our surveys in your newsletter and our team can send you a QR code to include as well.
We will use the evaluation and results from SISTAQUIT and iSISTAQUIT to improve the online training, resources, and social media campaign even further. We want to listen to your feedback to make sure the training and resources meet your needs. We call this phase the “scale up” and we will provide updates on this phase through this newsletter. Contact our team if you would like to register your interest.
For further information, please contact our team via email iSISTAQUIT@scu.edu.au or visit our website www.isistaquit.org.au