iSISTAQUIT is a wrap-around support for pregnant Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander women who want to quit smoking/vaping.

It involves a model of care designed with culturally appropriate national best practice training. iSISTAQUIT provides vital training for health professionals and encouragement to communities and pregnant women to quit smoking/vaping.

Having culturally specific approaches to assist women to quit smoking/vaping through a pathway of support helps First Nations women navigate health and wellbeing systems safely.

And its super easy to register for our free training

After the initial clinical trials and testing of our training and resources involving over 40 health services throughout Australia, including many Aboriginal Community Controlled Health Services (ACCHOs), the iSISTAQUIT program is ready to expand its rollout.

Our free self-paced 4-hour online training is now available to

1. Individual health professionals e.g., midwives, nurses, Aboriginal health workers, GPs, and Obstetricians,

2. And to health services e.g., ACCHOs, Medical Centres and Hospitals.

“iSISTAQUIT smoking and vaping cessation training (CPD points available) and associated educational resources, Treatment manual, Patient flipcharts and My Journey Booklet for clients resulted from listening to health professionals. 100% of health professionals said not smoking in pregnancy is vitally important, but many did not have the confidence, skills or optimism to have that chat.”

“92% of the health professionals that were part of the course recommend the iSISTAQUIT training“, said Professor Gillian Gould, project lead at iSISTAQUIT.

Registration for the training is super easy. Simply email the team at iSISTAQUIT@scu.edu.au

Press Release “ Our new iSISTAQUIT Program: Empowering Pregnant Aboriginal Women to Live Smoke-Free will start expanding nationally from September 2024 - Click here

To access the free iSISTAQUIT online smoking and vaping cessation training for health professionals, click on the following link (CPD Available): https://hpmi.online/course/view.php?id=489


Sign up to the smoke-free sistahood

By joining the Smoke-Free Sistahood you’ll have the opportunity to link up with sistas on the same journey as you. Find out how our trained health workers at participating services can support you on your individual quit journey today. There is a place for you in the Smoke-Free Sistahood!

There are health and financial benefits from swapping the smokes for life.

iSISTAQUIT is delivered in partnership with trained health professionals. 2022 is your year to quit smoking.
